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IPD Citation Style v3.0: Proceedings

Use of the IPD citation style and RefWorks with examples

Paper in a Conference Proceedings

[8] Papers Presented in Proceedings

Use the Conference Proceedings reference type for papers at a conference.

[8] P. Leone, D. L. Gillihan, and T. L. Rauch, "Web-based prototyping for user sessions: Medium-fidelity prototyping," in Proc. 44th Int. Technical Communications Conf. (Toronto, Canada, May 11-14, 1997), pp. 23-24.

  1. Enter the year the conference was held in the Pub Year field and the actual month/day(s) in the Conference Date field.
  2. The conference title given here is abbreviated. If you have the full title, use that instead.
  3. Enter at least the name of the city where the conference was held in the Conference Location field. For major cities (such as Toronto) the State or Country is optional. For others (such as Bethlehem) the State is needed to distinguish it from another city of the same name.