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IPD Citation Style v3.0: Overall Formatting

Use of the IPD citation style and RefWorks with examples

Overall Formatting

RefWorks takes the data you provide and plugs it into numerous citation format systems so that the data appears in the correct location and format for each style. To do this, you have to consistently enter data. The examples in this guide show the variations for different formats (book, journal article, patent, etc.). Listed below are the general requirements for all formats:

  • Print vs. Online
    • RefWorks defaults to "print" for all types of publications, including web pages. The IPD RefWorks style uses the "print" for all formats but has additional fields for an online version. Only enter data for online fields when you have used an online version.
  • Author names
    • enter names as Last, First Middle
      • for example, John Paul Jones is entered as Jones, John Paul
    • only enter what information you have
      • for example, if you have John Jones, enter it as Jones, John; don't assume that this is the same person as John Paul Jones
      • for example, if you have J. P. Jones, enter it as Jones, J. P.; don't assume that this is the same person as John Paul Jones
    • with multiple authors, separate the names using a semicolon (;)
      • for example, John Paul Jones and Davey Jones are entered as Jones, John Paul; Jones, Davey
    • "names" of organizations should be entered in full, as given
      • for example, Herr Industrial Inc.
      • RefWorks will warn you that the "author" name is not formatted correctly because it is not a person's name; ignore the warning
  • Titles
    • titles are entered as normal sentences; it is not necessary to capitalize unless the word is a proper noun
    • do not add a period to the end of the title; RefWorks will add the appropriate punctuation
  • Pagination
    • IPD uses "p." or "pp." to indicate either single page or multiple pages
    • RefWorks does not distinguish and always uses "pp." Correct your final document to remove the extra "p" when necessary