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IPD Citation Style v3.0: Begin

Use of the IPD citation style and RefWorks with examples


This guide contains examples of the types of references that might be used in an IPD project. For each type, a sample RefWorks template is shown, with the specific data points included and explained.

Using RefWorks

See the links below for details on creating a RefWorks account and working with MS Word.

To use the IPD style

  • Login to your account
  • Click on the Bibliography tab
  • In the Output Style box scroll to IPD 2013
  • Highlight it and move it to your Favorites box

Why Use RefWorks?

Before you embark on any project you should consider if the effort doing/learning it is worth your time.

In this instance, you can probably easily add 20 or so references to your IPD report without using this entire guide. All you have to do is determine what kind of information source your have (journal article, web site, interview), find the example in the Sample Paper with References tab, and arrange your references to match.

So what does RefWorks do for you?

  1. RefWorks serves as an online collection of not only your "references," but of notes, copies of articles, drafts... anything you can make as a file. You will probably consult a lot more than 20 references over the life of the project but, in the end, you will only cite a few. You need a place to store all of them until you decide to use them.
  2. It has a good search mode that will help you find exactly what article had that table of data you are seeking without having to scan through piles of others.
  3. You can share your RefWorks items with the rest of your team... and everyone has a personal copy.
  4. It's accessable anywhere/anytime through the web. Upload your papers and you won't find yourself at a meeting lacking the document you meant to show your team.
  5. It formats references. Convenient, but only critical in that final version.