The Lehigh University Libraries have entered into an Open Access (OA) publishing agreement with Elsevier. This agreement covers the years 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, and 2029. This is a “read and publish” agreement that maintains subscription access to Elsevier journals. Lehigh University-affiliated submitting corresponding authors can also publish their eligible, accepted articles openly in some Elsevier journals at no cost to the researcher. This agreement covers only hybrid journals, where some articles are OA, and some are subscription-access. Fully Open Access journals (sometimes called Gold OA journals) are not included in this agreement. Cell Press and Lancet titles are also not included in this agreement.
This agreement has an article cap limiting the number of articles that can be published under the agreement each year. This article cap is 79 for 2025, 83 for 2026, 86 for 2027, 90 for 2028, and 94 for 2029. Eligible articles will be published OA under this agreement on a "first come, first served" basis. Article eligibility will be based on acceptance date, which must occur during the term of the agreement.
To ensure coverage of your article under this agreement, you must select Lehigh University as your institution when prompted in the publication process. It is also recommended that you use your email address.
At a high level, please be sure to take these initial steps to ensure eligibility of your article under this agreement:
For additional information, including an overview of the author workflow and a way to search for journals covered under the agreement, please see the agreement overview site linked below.
For help with any questions or issues, please contact Phil Hewitt at and/or