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Open Access

Learn about Open Access and how to make your scholarship freely available.

What are Open Educational Resources?

"Open Educational Resources are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use and repurposing by others. OER include full courses, course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge."

Source: Hewlett Foundation

OASIS - Search for Openly Available Content

Free online eBook providers

Typically, purchasing eBooks is nearly as costly as buying a new copy of the print version. There are, however, quite a few resources on the open web where you can find free eBooks, particularly titles whose copyright has expired and now reside in the public domain.

HathiTrust - A partnership of academic and research institutions;  offers a collection of millions of titles, most in public domain, digitized from libraries around the world. 

Project Gutenberg - A digital library of free eBooks in the public domain. Most items are available to read online, as kindle files, and as EPUB files.

Bartleby - Publishes thousands of free online classics. - Offer over 8 million freely accessible eBooks. 

Amazon*- Many public domain titles are available for free as Kindle or online reads. Try searching "free classics." You will need to sign in to an Amazon account to access these titles. 

Google Books* - The world's most comprehensive database of digitized books, some of which have full-text access, and many of which have partial-text access.

(*While these can be great resources, please be aware that the quality of the digitized items can be poor.)


Laboratory Instruction Videos and Related Content

The purpose of this library guide is to identify freely accessible videos and other content that are relevant to conducting undergraduate laboratory work.  Some commercial entities are mentioned in the guide; their mention is *not* a product endorsement and is just offered for your convenience and information.

Open Textbooks

In response to increasingly burdensome textbook prices in higher education, many institutions and faculty are moving towards open textbooks as a way to control costs for students (for example, the Textbook Affordability Project at Temple). Open textbooks are freely available to download and use, and usually distributed under a copyright license that allows educators to share and remix content. 

Other Open Educational Resources

Beyond textbooks: other Open Educational Resources include notes, syllabi, streaming video, and supplementary course materials. Here are some resources that help you identify open access (i.e., freely available) educational resources.

Online Courses