Papers read at conferences are often "progress reports" on research that will eventually be published in journals.
Some conference proceedings can be discovered via Google Scholar. Others may be available on the association's or society's web site or repository. If a proceeding is not a part of our collections, remember that it can be requested via interlibrary loan (ILL).
Electrical, electronic, and computer engineering journals and conferences from the IEEE and IET; full text. Also includes IEEE standards.
Current issues with off-campus access using EZ Proxy. ASTM produces engineering and technical standards; the database includes its standards, journals, and Special Technical Publications. Our subscription also includes ISO/IEC standards as adopted under the UNE designation. Through June 2024, access to all original, unadopted ISO standards is available. Thereafter, our access will be limited down to 50 original, unadopted ISO standards. Create an account to create favorites, track updates, and more.
Powerful tool for searching and analyzing patents. See the "Help" section for information, including an overview video. Links to the ASA catalog record. Login to view the shared usernames and passwords. Contact the Engineering Librarian for assistance.
The above link redirects you to a page that lists the usernames and passwords for PatBase Express. The site for logging in directly is Phil Hewitt - pjh315 | 8-3068 - with any questions.
Familiar, intuitive interface to search for patents. Good for finding a few relevant patents quickly by keyword or other info. Use this link for additional search features: