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Energy Systems Engineering: Assistance, Best Bets & Services

Overview of library and other information sources in support of the M. Eng. in Energy Systems Engineering

Top Tips for Strong Research

  • Start organized: use a system to document your research. Use a citation manager, like Zotero.
  • Perform background research
  • Search through, read, and reference a variety of information source types (articles, books, standards, technical reports, etc.)
  • Ask for help: avoid costly time delays by asking for help early.

Best Bet Resources for Research in Energy Systems Engineering

Technical Reports

Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings

Books and eBooks

Theses and Dissertations


Important Services!

Find more information about these important services on this page:

InterLibrary Loan (below)

LTS Help Desk (below)

Research Assistance (left-hand column)

Off-campus Access to Resources (below)

InterLibrary Loan: Articles, Books, etc.

LTS Help Desk

Off Campus Access To Library Resources

Use Lehigh's Virtual Private Network (VPN)  to connect to library resources from off campus. Make sure to choose Library/International from the Group drop-down menu when you sign into the VPN. Learn more about the VPN.

(updated 4/11/2024)