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Benefits of Open Access

Open Access Infographic

Open Access

What are "Open Access" Journals?

Many journals have become open access--that is, freely accessible to the public. These journals may have author fees. See here for a directory of open access journals.

Can you make a version of your article Open Access?

When selecting a journal in which to publish, see if the publisher lets you post a version of your article in an "institutional repository". Lehigh's repository is the Lehigh Preserve.

Sherpa/Romeo enables you "to find a summary of permissions that are normally given as part of each publisher's copyright transfer agreement." Questions? Just contact the journal where you want to publish.

How can I Secure Expanded Access and Use Rights for My Article ?

Consider using the Sparc Addendum to secure expanded rights for open access to your article and/or expanded use rights.

Persons who are applying for federal research grants should review requirements for open access to publications. For this purpose, see: Browse Article and Data Sharing Requirements by Federal Agency.

Does Open Access Provide a "Citation Advantage"?

Big topic. For discussion of the extent to which open access creates a "citation advantage", that is, increases the chances your work will be cited, see  Open Access Citation Advantage: An Annotated Bibliography Version 5 . "This annotated bibliography updated as of 12/21/2016 lists studies and review articles that examine whether open access (OA) articles receive more citations than equivalent subscription; i.e., toll access (TA) articles."   Sparc Europe summary of studies about open access citation advantage.

How About Open Access Working Paper Repositories?

Consider publishing a working version of your paper in an article repository such as SSRN or Arxiv. This can let you float your ideas and stake a preliminary claim to them. Be aware, however, whether a journal publisher will accept submissions previously posted in an open access (freely accessible) preprint or working paper.