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ANTH 011: Cultural Diversity and Human Nature

What is a primary source?

Primary sources are sources that were created during the time period a researcher is studying, and provide firsthand evidence about a person, event, work of art, or object. This can include:

  • letters or other forms of direct communication
  • creative writing such as novels, poems, or plays
  • speeches
  • newspapers
  • works of art, photographs, and music recordings
  • eyewitness accounts
  • interviews
  • maps

Lehigh History Guides

Are you interested in learning more about the history of Lehigh University?  If so, please check out one or more of the guides listed below.

Lehigh Student Newspaper and Yearbook

The Epitome
Browse the Epitome, yearbooks, especially from 1971 to 1975, for women students' experiences on campus.

Primary Source Databases with Visuals

Image and Sound Resources

Looking to add some images and/or audio to your film project?  Check out the resources linked below.

Newspaper Databases