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Chemistry Resources


CHMINF-L and STS-L listservs

These are library listservs where you can ask questions about resources. The links above to the archives. 

A few postings:


"I emailed the editor of Journal of Chemical Education (Thomas Holme) asking him about resources, platforms or special issues. His reply is below . . . . A chemistry professor friend has also mentioned using labster

'...As you might imagine, there are various efforts that have emerged as a result of the unusual circumstances in which we find ourselves. The Journal of Chemical Education is jointly published by ACS Publications and the Division of Chemical Education (DivCHED) of the ACS (which is a technical division, and ACS has a separate Education Division at its headquarters, ....)
In any event, we are working with ACS Publications to build a virtual issue with some of the best articles about on-line or distance learning activities and studies. Articles have been identified by our staff and me, and we are working with ACS Pubs to push that project forward.
At the same time, DivCHED has marshaled resources from its members who have been sharing ideas, resources and conversations around ways to bring instruction, including for the laboratory sessions that have moved on-line. This is largely taking place in a facebook group.
The group requires new users to be allowed in by a current member, a step put in place in case teachers decided to discuss or share testing ideas. I realize this isn't quite a public platform, but it is ubiquitous and has been serving a key role for many teachers of chemistry as they have ramped up for online classes.'"


"The ChemCollective is a collection of virtual labs, scenario-based learning activities, tutorials, and concept tests. Teachers can use our content for pre-labs, for alternatives to textbook homework, and for in-class activities for individuals or teams. Students can review and learn chemistry concepts using our virtual labs, simulations, and tutorials. The ChemCollective is organized by a group of faculty and staff at Carnegie Mellon who are interested in using, assessing, and creating engaging online activities for chemistry education."

Notes and material provided by ChemCollective representative:


OLI Chemistry and ChemCollective Virtual Lab Webinar 3.16.20


"Setting Up an OLI Course

For more information on how to set up an OLI course for review or student use, please see the directions here: 
OLI Course Adoption"


"Useful Information About Virtual Lab Activities

We have created a google doc, ChemCollective Autograded Labs, to describe some of the aspects of the virtual lab activities that may be helpful. Feel free to add your ideas and thoughts to this document related to the activities, as we would like this document to also serve as a means of collaboration and communication." 


Not as relevant to this library guide but it may interest some folks at high schools:
"High School Level Chemistry Materials

We are currently working to make available a series of high school  level activities which include virtual lab components through the OLI platform.."