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Visual Resources: Posters

Poster Guidlines and Tips


  • Who is your audience?
  • What are the goals for your poster?
  • What visuals (maps, charts, images, etc.) can you find or create?
  • How can your content be logically grouped and organized?
  • Use this UNC Worksheet to plan out your content.


  • Group contents into chunks of 4-6 items.
  • Limit amount of text and include multiple graphical elements.
  • Limit number of fonts and font sizes.
  • Limit number of colors and choose complimentary colors.
  • Make sure there is good contrast between text and background colors.

Further Resources - Review these guides from other institutions for further tips.

PowerPoint Templates

Microsoft PowerPoint is an easy and effective way to create your poster layout. PowerPoint poster templates are available from a wide variety of sources, including the following. Templates can also be uploaded to your Google Dive and exported to Google Slides.