For help thinking about how to stream video for instructional purposes, contact the Streaming Video team at or use the Streaming Video Request Form. In order to ensure timely fulfillment of any requests, please allow for a minimum of three weeks to guarantee access to films. We will evaluate any title request, regardless of whether or not that film is in any existing collection or subscription.
To better assist you in locating streaming media resources not owned by the Lehigh Libraries, here is a list of some of the major academic video vendors and their catalogs.
To request a film from one of these vendors, please contact to set up access or fill out the Streaming Video Request Form.
1. Find the video you want to use in Kanopy, Swank, or other platform.
2. Copy the Embed link from the streaming video. For example, here are the locations of the Embed links on Swank and Kanopy:
3. In another tab (or browser window), log into Course Site and enter the course to which you want to add an activity.
4. Click on the Turn editing on button
5. In the topic area where you want to place the content, click on the Add an activity or resource link
6. Scroll to bottom to the heading RESOURCES and select URL from the menu displayed
7. Enter the name of the film (and a description if required) and the video URL
8. Scroll down through the various settings associated with the selected activity.
9. Click on the Save and return to course button at the bottom of the page.
To search all of the following collections simultaneously, click here to view them in ASA. There are nearly 20,000 streaming video links in the ASA catalog at all times.
Swank Motion Pictures: A collection of feature films, constantly rotating based on faculty request.
Kanopy Streaming: A collection of 18,000+ documentaries and films, selected for educational classroom use.
Docuseek: A collection of several thousand documentaries, curated with a focus on social justice.