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Requesting Videos at Lehigh: Home

A guide on how to access or request videos from the Lehigh Libraries

Acquisitions Librarian

Profile Photo
Dan Huang
Library Acquisitions
30 Library Drive
Bethlehem, PA 18015

General Policies

  1. In order to ensure timely fulfillment of any requests, please allow for a minimum of three weeks to guarantee access to films. 
  2. To place items from our Media Collection on Reserve, contact Ricky Houck in Lending Services (8-4924 or
  3. For help thinking about how to stream video for instructional purposes, contact the Streaming Video team at or use the Streaming Video Request Form.
  4. To request the acquisition of media materials for our Collection, contact Dan Huang (8-3035 or
  5. The Lehigh Libraries both gladly honors requests for specific films and also encourages faculty to explore the various collections already in the ASA catalog.