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EES 325 Fall 2023

How lo locate remote sensing journals

Here are tips on three ways to find remote sensing journals. Why this is important:

  • for the class, you may want to browse through remote sensing journals to find timely topics and research. 

Other uses:

  • part of current awareness in one's field is monitoring new literature--can do so by looking at new issues of a journal. You can do this by setting up alerts about new issues of a journal from specific journals. Also, consider using Browzine (see A to Z database list).
  • you might want to publish in a remote sensing journal, so good to know what journals deal with this subject.


Go to the library homepage and run a journal search in the library catalog. on remote sensing, with "Journal Title" selected from the drag down menu.


Go to the page "Where to Publish". Go to  Identifying journals that publish highly cited articles in your specialty.

You can apply this technique to Web of Science. Run a search on your topic, for example, "remote sensing" and (river* or stream*). Sort by number of times cited to get a sense of what journals publish heavily cited articles. (Just remember that time has to elapse before articles are cited.)

Or you can click on "Analyze Results" button on the upper right, then open the drag down menu and select "Publication Titles",  then scroll down to see a list by record count of the journals in which the articles from your search appear.


Go to Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and look for the Remote Sensing category. In it you will find a ranked list of journals about remote sensing. Explore the meaning of the various metrics used to rank or evaluate a given journal.  It can help to use the glossary to understand the meaning of terms in JCR.  For assistance, ask Brian Simboli.

You may also find of interest this library guide: Enhancing Research Impact.