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Data Management Plan (DMP) Assistance for Grants

Data Management Guide

Data Entry and Metadata

Data Analysis

Resources for analyzing your data:

For assistance in identifying or using software useful for analyzing your data, contact the help desk .  

Data Preregistration

Preregistration challenge from Center for Open Science
"Preregistration adds credibility to results by documenting in advance what will be tested. If you have a project that is entering the data collection phase, preregister now.

Why Preregister?

    Makes your science better by increasing the credibility of your results
    Allows you to stake your claim to your ideas earlier
    It’s easy and you can win a $1,000 prize for publishing the results of your preregistered research."

Open Science Framework

"OSF is a free, secure web application for project management, collaboration, registration, and archiving. Stop losing files, improve collaboration, and integrate OSF projects with the tools you use (e.g., Dropbox, GitHub, Figshare, Dataverse)."

Open Data and its Value

There has been a movement to support "open data" that parallels efforts to make journal articles "open access".

Making your data publicly accessible is a service to other researchers. Doing so can help others replicate your results, or enhance your research impact, or give your research greater credibility.

For discussion of the "open data" concept, see:

You may want to mention relevant open data repositories if you are submitting a data management plan for a grant application.