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Data Management Plan (DMP) Assistance for Grants

Data repositories

Open Data

There has been a movement to support "open data" that parallels efforts to make journal articles "open access". Making your data publicly accessible is a service to other researchers. Doing so can help others replicate your results, or enhance your research impact, or even give your research greater credibility.  See the information about "Open Data" elsewhere in this guide, as well as the Data Storage Options section.

Data Repositories

Some resources that will help you identify data repositories where you can make your data to available to other researchers:

ICPSR (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research)  Available via Lehigh subscription

If you are in the social sciences, consider placing your data in ICPSR. ICPSR (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research) is the world's largest archive of computer-readable social science data. Go to the library database list for access. As a member institution, Lehigh faculty and students have direct and free access to download data. The data resources include but are not limited to surveys of values, attitudes, health, race and religion, political exit polls and voting behavior, data on crime, and consumer income.