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A Software Ecosystem for Research, Zettelkasten Note-Taking, and Writing [UNDER DEVELOPMENT]


This guide addresses a research, note-taking, and writing "ecosystem" whose workflow has many moving parts, so it is helpful to have a roadmap of this library guide. In practice the process of research, note-taking and writing is not a neatly linear process. Inevitably you will jump around among the tools suggested in this roadmap.


  • One important component of the this ecosystem is note-creation leading to drafting of a manuscript. The Zettelkasten method provides one typology of notes.  When done annotating an item within Zotero, you can create in Obsidian (see below in the roadmap) a literature note for the item.  You can link from the literature note to the full text of the item within Zotero. Create permanent notes in Obsidian; these notes synthesize topics addressed in the literature notes. You can create templates for these notes as well as fleeting and index notes.
  • Start outlining and drafting your manuscript. You can do so within Obsidian. At some point when your writing is well along, you may want to complete the drafting in Word. Another option is to use Obsidian to develop your ideas and record notes but to use Word as a place to draft your manuscript from the very outset. See Obsidian versus Word for Drafting.
  • Read about how to transition to Obsidian from whatever you are using should you want to use the former. 
  • Use Literature Review Central (LRC) to organize your search for relevant literature. You can implement LRC using Obsidian or a spreadsheet.
  • Use Zotero to organize the full text of items you discover into collections of related articles and use Zotero's capabilities to annotate the full text of literature you discover.
  • You may want to explore AI Summarizer tools as a way to generate notes you can then edit.