Use the APA (American Psychological Association) style mentioned in the page of this guide about citing sources.
1 See the .gif in the next box to get the idea of how to create the end of the paper references using ZoteroBib.
In the box below it, see the tutorials about using ZoteroBib. One of them talks about end of the paper references. The other talks about in-text references.
2 Then take your scholarly articles and create references in APA style for them.
3 ZoteroBib may not always accurately render the style. Go to this page of the "Owl" guide to see if ZoteroBib rendered it accurately. (Don't worry about "DOIs".) If not, you can edit citations from within ZoteroBib.
4. For the class exercise, you are just focusing on scholarly articles. Quickly look around a bit in the Owl guide to see examples of how to cite other things in APA style, such as youtubes, or webpages, or books. This will be useful when you work on your annotated bibliography for the class assignment.
The demo below will show how ZoteroBib works.No tool is ever perfect and you should always check a citation for accuracy, but this will help take the guesswork out of constructing citations.
You can also use ZoteroBib to generate in-text citations using the icon outlined in purple:
For some more details about using ZoteroBib, see this video:
We have seen how to create a bibliography to put at the end of your paper. For details about doing an in-text citation, in which you cite a brief reference to a citation within the text of your paper, which points to the full citation in the bilbliography at the end of your paper, see this tutorial: NOTE: change the citation style if this feature does not work. This video is from the Royal College of Nursing:
For a tutorial about "formatting a Citation in APA" using PsycINFO see here: tutorials.