In-class exercise
Search for materials relevant to either of the written assignments that are described in the syllabus.
Try to find examples of various formats of literature, using the sections devoted to them in this guide.
As you find resources, use ZoteroBib to put them in a list using the APA style. See the ZoteroBIb tutorials in this guide before you start.
After you are done, copy and paste the list from Zotero into a Word document.
Note: as you accumulate citations in ZoteroBib, check them. You can edit them from within LibWizard if it looks as if relevant citation data has not been captured properly, or manually add them using "Manual Entry".
Set up an ILLiad account. This requires a one-time registration. Even if you do not use it for this class, you may need ILLiad at some point in your studies at Lehigh. Palci is also available to retrieve from other institutions print copies of books that Lehigh does not have.