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CHM 364/464 Special Topics: Bioinorganic Chemistry Spring 2023

Prof. Fisher


As you read papers and work on your presentation, the resources you find on this page can:

  • help you understand technical terminology you encounter in reading papers and books; 
  • point  to other resources useful as you get further into your topic;
  • help create a good introduction to a paper, in the place where you lay out the big context of the more specific points to follow.

Electronic Reference

Elsevier Reference Works (and books)

There are various ways to search this extensive collection:

  • Click here. Click on the magnifying glass at the top (to the right of the text "journals and books". A box will open, and you can search by your topic. Then, on the left, you can restrict by "Article type", for example encyclopedia.
  • Click here for journal/book searching
  • Use the Topic Pages:

Google and Wikipedia

You can use Google to find background information, but make sure to assess the reliability and integrity of the information. (See the box below about this.)

Some tips:

Use the Google Advanced Search, to do a precise search. Then, evaluate one of the webpages that come up.  The resource below provides ideas about how to evaluate websites.

Wikipedia is a good stepping-stone to other material, but make sure you confirm the information independently. Also, concerning the reliability of Wikipedia, see this Wikipedia article "Reliability of Wikipedia".