Read the following, then go to the next box for resources to search.
To understand the difference between popular articles and scholarly ones, review the page about Scholarly versus Popular Articles.
Popular publications can do these things for you:
See the boxes below for databases that will help you find popular articles.
Put in your search statement and then scroll down and select these options under Publication Type: "Periodical or "Newspaper". (TIP: you might find that some scholarly journal articles come up if you use "Periodical". Ignore those; just look for popular magazines and newspapers in the results!) You can bring up journal articles in this database as well but won't need to do so for the exercise.
Sort results by "Date Newest".
Indexes, abstracts and provides selective full-text for a broad spectrum of magazines, journals and newspapers.
Upgraded from Academic Search Premier in 2019.
You can search for popular articles, specifically magazines and newspaper articles, in this database by putting in your search terms and then scrolling down to "Source Type" and clicking "Magazines" and "Newspapers". (You can also search for scholarly articles in this database, but for the exercise just use it for popular articles.)
Some search tips here.
After running search, sort by "Most Recent First".
Covers 1987 - present.
1. Elsevier: News category
Click here. Click on the magnifying glass at the top to the right of the text "journals and books". A box will open where you can search by your topic. Run your search. On the left, at "Article type", click "show more" and scroll down to select news.
2. Or, browse the list of newspaper databases here to find one's appropriate for your work in the class.
3. You can also use the advanced Google search interface. After running a search, click on News at the top of the search results. Make sure the news item comes from a reliable source.