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Teaching Sustainability: Arts and Sciences

Resources for incorporating sustainability into your curriculum

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Find more books, articles, and news using these keywords:

  • anthropocene
  • biosphere
  • climate change + [discipline]
  • climate science
  • climatic changes + [discipline]
  • ecocriticism
  • ecofeminism
  • environmental education
  • environmental humanities
  • environmental justice
  • environmental law
  • environmental literacy
  • environmentalism + class
  • environmentalism + race
  • environmentalism + gender
  • green [discipline]
  • global warming + [discipline]
  • political ecology
  • pollution
  • queer ecology
  • renewable energy
  • sustainable development
  • sustainability + [discipline]
  • urban ecology

Biological Sciences


Earth & Environmental Sciences

Humanities Resources by Discipline

Math and Physics

Social Sciences

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