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Finding Theses and Dissertations



Lehigh University dissertations and theses are listed in ASA, the online catalog; recent ones are linked to the PDF versions at the Lehigh Preserve, institutional repository, and ProQuest Dissertation &Thesis @ Lehigh University.

Finding dissertations on a subject can be a somewhat confusing process because of how they are indexed. Some major abstract services include dissertations but others do not; most do not index masters theses. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses is the index to those filmed/scanned by ProQuest (previously known as UMI), which includes most US schools and some of the major international universities. 


Dissertations and Theses at Lehigh: Quick Facts

Lehigh University dissertations and Theses are available in Special Collections, as part of the University Archives, in three formats: Paper, microfilm or PDF.

  • Dissertations are available in paper and/or PDF
  • Master’s Theses available in paper, microfilm and/or PDF
  • Limited number of Bachelor's Theses, Undergraduate Reports, Senior & Honor's Theses are also available in Special Collections. Contact Special Collections for more information. 

Paper copies: As of May 2024, Special Collections is working on a project to digitize all the Lehigh Doctoral Dissertations. Contact Special Collections for details of the project. Over four thousand Lehigh dissertations will be available as open access by Fall 2024. 
1. From 1896 to 1996 paper only -- except: Titles digitized by ProQuest on demand. Access through ProQuest.
2. PDF (black and white, scanned by ProQuest): 1997 to the present through ProQuest subscription database. Free full-text access with active requires valid Lehigh username: ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis @Lehigh University 

The records of these titles in ASA Library Catalog have links to the PDF files:.

3. PDF (color PDF, electronically submitted by the authors): ETD (electronic theses and dissertation) submission process at Lehigh started in 2009. These titles from 2009 to the present are available through the institutional repository Lehigh Preserve.


Master’s Theses:
Up to 1960: Paper only (Not Complete) Access through ASA Library Catalog
1960s to 2009: All the titles are on microfilm. These microfilm copies have been digitized as a special project but access is limited. PDF full-text available only "if" the authors granted open access permission - Contact Special Collections for help.

2009 to present : PDF only (ETDs through Lehigh Preserve.  NOTE: Full-text availability depends on authors' open access permission, embargo or delay)

For more information contact