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Coronavirus Resources: Publications, Data, Teaching, and Staying Safe

Purpose of Website

The purpose of this website is twofold:

  • to identify sources of information from health authorities, government agencies and medical institutions about the Coronavirus pandemic
  • to provide access to scholarly and popular resources relating to the pandemic.

The first type of information is provided as a service to persons not familiar with U.S. and state health authorities as well as local medical institutions. Contact health authorities and your physician with any questions relating to your health and well-being. Lehigh's libraries are not qualified to provide medical advice and bear no responsibility for the accuracy of any medically related information in this guide.  

The second type of information includes links to publisher websites that are making scholarly information freely accessible and to resources licensed by Lehigh's libraries, including scholarly resources and popular news sources.

New!: A page of the guide identifies accounts of how professors have addressed coronavirus in their teaching.

Note: There is a world-wide call for publishers to make Covid-19 research freely accessible; see statement by The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. 

Contact a subject librarian for assistance with any questions related not to medical advice, but to identification of possibly relevant informational resources. The guide of course does not pretend to be exhaustive. Resource suggestions?

Please stay safe!