Industry Reports covering 700+ industries in the United States.
Data on over 600 international industries from more than 18,000 sources. Includes market researcher, trade organizations, scientific journals, and government databases.
Leading resource for comprehensive data, research and insights spanning the global capital markets. PLEASE NOTE: Lehigh's subscription agreement with PitchBook states that the database is intended solely for academic, scholarly, or educational use. The database may not be used for personal/professional/commercial financial gain.
Find market data, statistics, and analysis on the Internet, e-business, online marketing, media, and emerging technologies.
Unbiased measurement and assessment of market opportunities with detailed market research reports.
Please Note: Global Data Explorer replaces MarketLine Advantage Covers: 800,000+ companies, 22 sectors and additional subsectors, 110 Country Profiles and Country Statistics Database covering 215 countries, and annual coverage of 50,000+ financial deals