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(updated 4/11/2024)
Indexes, abstracts and provides selective full-text for a broad spectrum of magazines, journals and newspapers.
Upgraded from Academic Search Premier in 2019.
Historical research about the United States and Canada from prehistory to the present.
Full text access for all key English-language historical journals, also includes selected historical journals from major countries, state and local history journals, and a targeted selection of hundreds of journals in the social sciences and humanities. Also includes book and media reviews and abstracts of dissertations.
Covers publications including periodicals, book reviews, dissertations about the history of the world from 1450 to the present (excluding North America). Some full text available.
Covers materials published from 1971 to present.
Covers journals, books, and working papers on economics providing citations for dissertations and articles in more than 620 collective volumes per year.
Full text of scholarly journals, beginning with the very first issue of each title. Primarily humanities and social sciences titles.
There is a gap, typically from 1 to 5 years, between the most recently published journal issue and the content available through JSTOR. A broad range of disciplines are represented.