Provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources. (Note: To maximize access to Lehigh resources, when in Google Scholar, use the Menu icon in the top left, go to Settings, then Library links. Type in Lehigh University and select the check box next to “Lehigh University - Lehigh Links.” If we do not subscribe to an article, this setting will enable a Lehigh Link to obtain the article via other access or interlibrary loan.)
Indexes, abstracts and provides selective full-text for a broad spectrum of magazines, journals and newspapers.
Upgraded from Academic Search Premier in 2019.
Full text of scholarly journals, beginning with the very first issue of each title. Primarily humanities and social sciences titles.
There is a gap, typically from 1 to 5 years, between the most recently published journal issue and the content available through JSTOR. A broad range of disciplines are represented.
Millions of works from thousands of universities in North America and the UK. Includes abstracts for most documents and full-text for about half of the database, weighted toward more recent years. Global coverage note: also covers Europe less comprehensively, and many Chinese universities after 2017. Coverage of other countries and non-English language documents is limited.
Covers journals, books, and working papers on economics providing citations for dissertations and articles in more than 620 collective volumes per year.
Authoritative insight and opinion on international news, politics, business, finance, science, and technology. Get access to the current edition as well as previous editions dating back to July 1997.