Within this guide are a wide array of resources available to use for your MGT 363 projects.
Some pointers:
- Start off by doing broad background reading about your topic. Some good places for this are the resources within the ASA Library catalog. The library has thousands of e-books waiting to be used.
- Then explore the other resources in this guide, namely Articles & Databases. Plan on spending a significant amount of time doing searching, which is an iterative process and requires patience. The time spend searching early on, will reap dividends later when giving a presentation. Generally speaking, the more time you spend doing research, the more compelling and focused a presentation or paper will be.
- The guide does not include all the relevant library resources. If for example you have an interest in sociology, psychology, political science views on your subject, explore the subject guides on the library homepage (library.lehigh.edu). See How to..., upper right.
- Lastly, included with this guide is information on using the APA style format.