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PSYC 195: Health Psychology Recitation FALL 2023


For your assignment, follow the steps in the in-class exercise, with this difference.

Whereas the in-class exercise asked you to start with a paper you found interesting, the assignment asks you to start off by finding a topic in health psychology that you find interesting.

Some ways to do this:

  • Use resources in the background information page of this guide for ideas
  • Look in some psychology review article journals for ideas about health psychology related topics.

Record your answers in the Word document below:

Things to do after finishing the assignment


(A) Set up an "ILLiad" account 

Spend two minutes setting up an ILLiad account. ILLiad enables you to order articles that Lehigh does not have electronically. Lehigh will order the item for you, or scan it if the print is available. In either case, you will receive an email with a link to the article. You may need to use ILLiad later in the semester for for other assignments or classes. Go here. Click on ILLiad. Fill out required one-time registration information.

(B) Set up VPN  

If you are off campus, VPN  can help you access articles on the web that you cannot directly access otherwise. NOTE: Even with VPN on, you may be prompted for the Lehigh login and password that you use in accessing Lehigh email.   

To set up VPN, go here:

Remote Connectivity - the Lehigh VPN

(c) Explore this library guide 

Get familiar with the resources on this guide, including databases other than PsycINFO. For those, see the page of this guide titled "Scholarly Articles".