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BIOS 090 Fall 2024 How Can We Harness the Oceans to Solve Societal Needs?


Here is a very helpful video about doing presentations, including best practices for using Powerpoint as well as presentation techniques.

Creating Effective Presentations (materials assembled by Lehigh LIbrary and Technology Services staff members Jarret Brown and Holly Zakos ).

It's a good idea to add the sources you used to the final slide of your presentation Powerpoint. And/or you can add citations at the bottom of individual slides.

Finding Images

See the box (upper right) titled "Finding Images" on this guide.


Use Google Advanced Search to search your topic. In the search results, click on images and also videos at the top of the search results.

Fair Use

For this class, you can use the guidelines immediately below. Beneath it, under "Resources", is a video and a link to other other considerations.



You can use media for educational purposes if:

  • You don't share/publish it publicly on the internet
  • You only use a small piece of the work (ex. a clip of a song)
  • You got it legally (ex. didn't pirate it or get around a paywall)
  • You don't provide a copy that allows others to avoid paying for their own copy
  • You should cite anything that you use for a class, research project, or other academic work - because of academic integrity, not because of copyright.

[Thanks to the scholarly communications librarian Carrie Baldwin-SoRelle for above.]


See this video on youtube about copyright, fair use, and public domain [from]

See also the box about using images.on this guide