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File & Record Transfer Toolkit: Faculty Papers

Guidelines for transferring historical office files and records to Special Collections

Contact First

Before sending any materials, please contact first:
Phone: 610-758-4506


When You Contact Have This Information Ready:
1.Department Name
2.A broad list of items in the donation and included years (this does NOT have to be an item-level list).
4.How many boxes of materials do you want to transfer?
5.When do you need to transfer?

Faculty Papers Guidelines

Guidelines for Faculty Papers Transfer to Special Collections

1. Correspondence:
We welcome correspondence which sheds light on a faculty member's academic career,
development of thought, participation in noteworthy projects, committees, and conferences.
General and family correspondence of primarily biographical interest will also be welcomed
in certain circumstances. Letters of reference for students and colleagues present particular
problems but are sometimes of value in documenting a faculty member's activities. Please
consult with the Special Collections staff regarding these borderline materials.

2. Writings:
Any published or unpublished writings and accompanying media (audio-video recordings, slides, photographs, diskettes, discs, cassettes, etc.)

3. Course-related material:
Lecture notes, syllabi, handouts, etc. which document courses taught at Lehigh.
Representative noteworthy student papers are also acceptable.

4. Collected material:
a. Offprints of articles by colleagues are generally not needed. Exceptions would be
articles from periodicals not held at Lehigh.
b. Reports, minutes, and other documentation from noteworthy projects, committees, and
conferences in which a faculty member has participated. Materials relating to the Lehigh University, faculty’s department, fraternity & honors society & student organization (if applicable).
c. Any documentation of life at Lehigh, including photographs, scrapbooks.
d. Any records about documenting the social, economic, architectural and environmental developments of Lehigh University and Lehigh Valley.

5. Biographical documentation, including curriculum vitae, journals, diaries, travelogs, documentation of honors and awards, special lectureships, etc.