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BIOS 251 Spring 2023


Below are three steps for citing your sources in National Library of Medicine (NLM) style. (Analogous steps hold for other styles as well.)

Proper citing of your sources can help you avoid plagiarism. Visit the Avoiding Plagiarism guide!


Use this citation generator to create citations in NLM style:

Watch the .gif demo below, then watch the Youtube immediately below it. When using ZoteroBib, select the National Library of Medicine style.


When you write your paper, you will need not just a reference list, but also in-text references. These are citations within the text of the paper that point to the list of references at the end of your paper.

Fyi, according to this guide, NLM actually recognizes three types of "in-text" citations! 

Also see re. in-text citations at the NLM site here.


ZoteroBib allows for in-text citations, but I can't seem to get it to work for the NLM style. See if you can! Below is a tutorial about how this works, at least for other citation styles.


See this video is from the Royal College of Nursing:



Tools such as ZoteroBib help reduce the amount of typing you have to do, but may not always accurately render the style. 

See Citing Medicine2nd edition for how to reference journals, websites, books, newspapers and other resources. (Note: from this guide: "Journals are a particular type of periodical. These same rules and examples can be used for magazines and other types of periodicals." )

For example, the citation example below is for this article. Look at this article, then compare to the example below. When you cite journal articles sources for your work in the class, render them in the same style as you see below. 

Use this site to find how to abbreviate the journal.


 Image above is from Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition.



Again, according to this guide, NLM actually recognizes three types of "in-text" citations!  Also see re. in-text citations at the NLM site here.



Make sure to include citations in your presentation for your citations, either at the bottom of the slide(s) or batched at the end ofPowerpoint or other presentation softwares.