GOAL: to give some tips about using the library resources either for this class or other classes. The points are applicable to writing or presentations.
Specific topics:
After the demo, review the Tutorial (see page on left for link) and ask the science librarian for assistance with literature searching.
EXAMPLE TOPIC: the brain and behavior of an octopus
Use of Boolean operators and citing article look-ups to find scholarly articles.
Examples of databases to use:
Lehigh Links and ILLiad to obtain full text of an article.
You can limit your search results to review articles, a special type of scholarly article that provides an overview of developments in a subject as well as bibliography.
Some tips about reading scientific articles:
Put the citations you find into a citation style. See the page of this guide titled "Journal Citation Style", which focuses on the National Library of Medicine style.
At some point, spend two minutes setting up an ILLiad account, if you have not done so already. ILLiad enables you to order articles that Lehigh does not have electronically. Lehigh will order the item for you, or scan it if the print is available. In either case, you will receive an email with a link to the article. You may need to use ILLiad later in the semester or for other assignments or classes. Go here. Click on ILLiad. Fill out required one-time registration information. (If you want a tutorial, see here.)