Enter one or more names in the "Return articles authored by" box to search for specific authors.
To return results from a particular journal or publication, enter the publication title as either:
Note: Journal titles may be abbreviated in more than one way. Searching abbreviations will not return records with the full title, and vice versa. To be thorough, search both the full title and alternative forms of abbreviation:
Use the buttons below the basic search box to choose the type of documents you wish to find:
Search for your terms anywhere in the full article or limit your search to terms in the title of the article.
. . . by clicking on the menu icon () in the upper left corner of the Google Scholar search page
Enter your subject search terms in the top four boxes according to how you want the terms to be combined.
Use operators to refine your search terms. Google Scholar also supports most of the advanced operators in Google web search:
Google Scholar automatically searches for simple singular and plural forms of terms you enter, along with additional different endings to some words, and for some related terms. For example:
The number of related terms included in the results may depend on the search being conducted. This feature cannot be turned off, and there is no separate truncation search that allows the user to designate that a term should be searched with any possible ending.