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(updated 4/11/2024)
An index that includes abstracts from journals and books on art and architecture from 1914 to present. Some full text available.
Abstracts over 800 journals and 220 books on art and architecture from 1914 to date, although most material is 1980 or later. About half of the articles are available as full text. Also includes over 64,000 images.
Index to older art journals that provide contemporary criticism of art, artist's interviews and other commentary. Covers publications from 1929-1984.
Art Index Retrospective allows users to search 55 years of art journalism. In addition to periodicals, users have access to data from important yearbooks and select museum bulletins. AIR includes indexing of art reproductions as well as coverage of fine, decorative and commercial art. Coverage is from 1924 - 1984.
Listing of journal articles published worldwide on architecture and design, archaeology, city planning, interior design, and historic preservation.
Avery indexes international scholarly and popular periodical literature, publications of professional associations, U.S. state and regional periodicals, and serial publications of Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Australia. Coverage starts with the 1930s.
Full text of scholarly journals, beginning with the very first issue of each title. Primarily humanities and social sciences titles.
There is a gap, typically from 1 to 5 years, between the most recently published journal issue and the content available through JSTOR. A broad range of disciplines are represented.
The Oxford DNB defines "national" as British, broadly construed to encompass large portions of the former British empire. It was first published between 1885 and 1900, and updated frequently. New biographies are added several years after the death of the subject.
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