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(updated 4/11/2024)
The boxes below cover various aspects of finding articles, including techniques and places for finding popular and scholarly articles.
Also, the library has many subject library guides. For example, there are ones for earth sciences, biology, and chemistry. These will give you ideas about databases to search for articles.
Read Evaluating resources: Scholarly & Popular Sources from Berkeley, U Cal.
Also, read this chart:
(Image from Randolph Community College Library)
Magazine and Newspaper articles
Popular articles from magazines and newspapers can:
NOTE: some of the resources below cover scholarly articles as well as popular sources. See the page of this library guide devoted to scholarly articles. Below is a partial listing--see A to Z Database list and library catalog.
Indexes, abstracts and provides selective full-text for a broad spectrum of magazines, journals and newspapers.
Upgraded from Academic Search Premier in 2019.
Covers 1987 - present.
Scholarly articles:
Subject library guides will identify databases where you can search for scholarly articles.
Here is a sampler of items that a Google search revealed:
Review articles give a bird's eye view of a field or niche within a field. They can contain valuable bibliography. The titles of these articles often have a slightly higher level or "generic" quality than the titles of articles reporting very specific research findings.
The science librarian can help you locate review articles in such databases as Web of Science and Medline.
Also, see Annual Reviews, which is dedicated to this type of article. Tip: sort the search results in descending date order so you see the most recent articles for your topic.)
Use Interlibrary Loan to request a PDF of an article that isn't available at Lehigh or a scanned PDF of a print article that Lehigh owns. You will get an email when the article is ready for download.