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Research Methods Videos: Sage

Content and Uses

Students and faculty can use Sage Research Methods Videos (see links below)  for learning, assignments, teaching or research .

There are videos for a large range of disciplines, as well as a large range of methods, e.g. survey research, SPSS, sampling, regression, analysis of variance.

"Do you want to refresh your knowledge of research methods? Or bring concepts alive in your classroom? Our collection of videos will give you lots of options to select from! We have videos with discipline specific orientation, .... And we have many films that focus exclusively on a research method and its operation, ideal for use across the spectrum of academic disciplines .... Video types include succinct definitions of concepts and methods, full-length documentaries delineating research processes, in practice accounts of professional research activity, interviews with leading academics in the field of research, lectures on topics such as Big Data, step-by-step tutorials demonstrating research and analysis techniques, and video cases describing real-life experiences of research in operation."


  • An Introduction to Correlation & Regression
  • An Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling
  • An Introduction to Randomized Controlled Trials
  • Editing Graphs
  • An Introduction to the Chi-square Test
  • Data Visualization
  • Factor Analysis
  • Nonparametric Tests
  • How Results Can Be Misleading: Problems in Experimental Methodology
  • How to Read and Understand a Research Study
  • Research Grant Proposal Writing
  • An Introduction to Qualitative Data Analysis

For assistance...

Please let your subject librarian know if you have any questions--or if you need to identify sources datasets for use in projects or classes, and which you will analyze using one or another research method!