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Paleogeographic Maps: Home


Paleogeographic maps from Deep Time Maps are available to Lehigh faculty and students for instructional and research uses.  For a description of the maps, see North American Series.  Note that there are actually 47 maps. 

You can geo-reference  the maps using ArcGIS Desktop programs (ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap). For more information, or help with geo-referencing, please send an email to  If you have any other questions, please contact the science librarian, Brian Simboli

Below, see:

  • downloading instructions
  • licensing terms about acceptable uses.

How to download

Follow the directions (PC and Mac) in the attached Word file to access the files.

Confirm that all the files downloaded.  To do so, after you download the files, look for the file labeled Map Lists NAM Key Time series.docx. It contains a comprehensive list of the files you should see.

Also, see the document below ("List of files") for some file descriptions.


Licensing Terms and Acceptable Uses

You may not:

  • publicly post content
  • "remove any copyright notice, proprietary information notices, or other notice contained in or displayed in connection with the Maps."

You may:

  • "use the Maps in an Academic Setting for research, scholarship, reports, and publications, data may be added and other educational purposes"
  • "make copies of the Maps for backup and archival purposes provided ... copyright and disclaimer notices are maintained, and possession of the copy is retained by the Licensee in a secure location."
  • geo-reference the maps
  • "perform ..indexing, searching and data mining processes on the digital copy, including provision of graphic interfaces and/or interfaces ... for ... teaching, learning, and research purposes"
  • "place the Maps on the Licensee’s network while acknowledging the Maps from Colorado Plateau Geosystems, Inc. The Licensee may install and store the Maps on a storage device such as a network server, serve out the Maps through a spatial data infrastructure, and make available to current Authorized Users through an authentication system."
  • post the maps for classroom use if there is Lehigh authentication--e.g., in CourseSite, Lehigh's course management system  
  • "Authorized Users may transmit to a third party in hard copy or electronically, minimal, insubstantial amounts of the Licensed Material (Maps) for personal use or scholarly, educational, or scientific research or professional use but in no case for resale or commercial purposes."
  • "When distributed the Maps must be labeled with the following credit line: '© YYYY Colorado Plateau Geosystems Inc.' using the date the series was created."