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(updated 4/11/2024)
Association for Computing Machinery journal and conference articles, full text, back to 1947.
Electrical, electronic, and computer engineering journals and conferences from the IEEE and IET; full text. Also includes IEEE standards.
Helps find current articles that cite earlier work. Covers STEM, social sciences, & arts and humanities. Has an emerging sources citation index. Useful for identifying review articles Note: Web of Science generally does not include conference proceedings in search results.
Provides bibliographic coverage of journal articles in life sciences, especially focusing on biomedical areas. Part of PubMed's larger set of resources. See MEDLINE searching library guide off library homepage.
Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources.
(Note: To maximize access to Lehigh resources, when in Google Scholar, go to Settings, then Library links. Type in Lehigh University and select the check box next to “Lehigh University - Lehigh Links.” If we do not subscribe to an article, this setting will enable a Lehigh Link to obtain the article via other access or interlibrary loan.)