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(updated 4/11/2024)
Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources. (Note: To maximize access to Lehigh resources, when in Google Scholar, go to Settings, then Library links. Type in Lehigh University and select the check box next to “Lehigh University - Lehigh Links.” If we do not subscribe to an article, this setting will enable a Lehigh Link to obtain the article via other access or interlibrary loan.)
Links to PDFs when available; excellent for finding specific articles or books.
Current issues with off-campus access using EZ Proxy. ASTM produces engineering and technical standards; the database includes its standards, journals, and Special Technical Publications. Our subscription also includes ISO/IEC standards as adopted under the UNE designation. Through June 2024, access to all original, unadopted ISO standards is available. Thereafter, our access will be limited down to 50 original, unadopted ISO standards. Create an account to create favorites, track updates, and more.
Listing of journal articles published worldwide on architecture and design, archaeology, city planning, interior design, and historic preservation.
Avery indexes international scholarly and popular periodical literature, publications of professional associations, U.S. state and regional periodicals, and serial publications of Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Australia. Coverage starts with the 1930s.
Indexes, abstracts and provides selective full-text for a broad spectrum of magazines, journals and newspapers.
Upgraded from Academic Search Premier in 2019.
General engineering and science source, covering 1913-1983. Mainly an abstract and indexing database; limited full-text availability.