Below you'll find screenshots of the Bureau of Labor Statistics - Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH). The screen shot on the left is the main page where one can search for any occupation. The screenshot in the middle offers detail information on a given occupation. The one on the right provides a quick overview of specific business functions. All screenshots are hot links that will take one directly to the featured page.
To the left is the main page for the Bureau of Labor's Occupational Outlook Handbook. The page features the following:
The Bureau of Labor provides a wealth of information for each occupation featured in the Handbook. Each occupation has the following tabs of information:
FYI - At the bottom of each entry is a date as to when the page was last modified
The Occupational Outlook Handbook makes it simple to locate specific business functions by pulling out specific occupations. Please click on the following link: to access these specific business related occupations