If you are working on a systematic review, meta-analysis, or scoping review, LTS Librarians are available to support you in your evidence synthesis projects. Our services include:
Guidance on the most appropriate type of evidence synthesis for your research
Review of your protocol’s search strategies (keywords, syntax, source types, and databases)
Assistance finding sample systematic reviews within your subject area
Overview of the protocol registration process and options
Overview of use of Zotero citation management system to store, organize, share, and export citations
Suggestions for free and paid screening and data extraction tools (Note: LTS does not have institutional licenses for Covidence or other tools.)
Please note that librarians do not write search statements or otherwise co-author any portion of a protocol or publication. Librarian support is also contingent on timelines and availability.
Questions? Contact the Assistant University Librarian for Instruction and Outreach and Education Librarian, Jasmine Woodson, at jasmine@lehigh.edu.