The library provides a large array of bibliographic databases that enable you to find scholarly articles. To see them, and other databases, go to the library homepage and click on "Databases".
See the mentu of subjects on the left about aspects of Scholarly articles.
Helps find current articles that cite earlier work. Covers STEM, social sciences, & arts and humanities. Has an emerging sources citation index. Useful for identifying review articles Note: Web of Science generally does not include conference proceedings in search results.
Indexes, abstracts and provides selective full-text for a broad spectrum of magazines, journals and newspapers.
Covers 1987 - present.
Upgraded from Academic Search Premier in 2019.
Provides bibliographic coverage of journal articles in life sciences, especially focusing on biomedical areas. Part of PubMed's larger set of resources. See MEDLINE searching library guide off library homepage.
Sometimes you will discover an article for which Lehigh does not have access to the full text. Or you may want an article that we own in print sent to you via email.
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