Learning outcomes:
1. Compare and contrast the National Geographic article with the scholarly paper it references, according to three of the points of comparison mentioned in the page of this guide titled "Scholarly versus Popular".
2. Choose one of the topics in the Allan paper about which you want to learn more. Then find two background information sources that give you an understanding of it.
(a.) For the first background information source, go to the second box on the Background Information page of this guide. Go to "Online reference" tab and select one of the resources that appear there.
(b.) For the second item, use the Google advanced search engine to search for a website the addresses the topic. Go to the "CRAAP" criteria that appear in the "Evaluating Scientific Credibility" page of this guide. Use the criteria to evaluate whether the website is reliable.
3. Use Web of Science to find one scholarly journal article. How many times has the article been cited? Find one citing article that looks interesting to you. How many times was the second article cited? Next, using the same search you used before, limit to review articles about your topic.
4. Put all the items you found above into APA format. Use the tools on the page about "Citing and Plagiarism".
5. Set up an ILLiad account. See the tutorial for details.