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Avoiding Plagiarism: Tips and Tricks

Acceptable Use of AI Tools at Lehigh

The advent of generative Artificial Intelligence resources that generate or summarize text, images, computer code, music, etc.  poses questions about their appropriate student use. While Lehigh’s  Code of Conduct does not address these tools, Article III about cheating, specifically III.I.A.2, is relevant: "The dependence upon the aid of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports or homework, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments." 

Instructors vary in their requirements. Some may encourage you to use such tools when doing assignments and some may provide guidelines about specific ways you may or may not use them. Others may prohibit any use and some may not address it. 

Unless professors address acceptable uses in the class syllabus or verbally in a lecture, check with them at the outset of the semester, before you start work on assignments.

How to Cite ChatGPT & Similar AI Tools

Before using an AI tool, determine whether your professor allows its use. If so, links for some citations styles are below. Check with a librarian for additional guidance.