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Powder Diffraction File: Sample Card

Note: This guide is no longer updated.

Sample Card

PDF card

Sample Card Layout

The PDF "card" has three elements:

  1. The red area includes functions
    • save
    • print
    • preferences
    • editorial information
    • 2 dimensional structure
    • 3 dimensional structure
    • bond distances/angles
    • simulated electron patterns
    • electron backscattering
    • diffraction pattern (same as illustrated in the green section)
    • PD3 pattern (nano-, semi-, and amorphous)
  2. The green area is the diffraction data
    • adjustable wavelength aperatures
    • intensity variables
    • raw data
    • diffraction pattern
  3. The orange area has supplemental material
    • PDF: basic data about the material and data gathering parameters
    • Experimental: data gathering parameters
    • Physical: properties
    • Crystal: properties
    • Optical: properties
    • Structure: properties
    • Miscellaneous: CAS number, Pearson number, cross-references, database subfiles, mineral (etc.) classifications, date entered/updated
    • Comments: general comments from the author/compiler, database editor, or users

Obviously, grayed areas indicate there is no data for that function or property. Not all data is available (or meaningful) for all materials. However, the wealth of supplemental material and references makes the PDF a good source of property data.