Read the following, then go to the next box for resources to search.
To understand the difference between popular articles and scholarly ones, review the page above (Scholarly versus Popular Articles.)
Popular publications can do these things for you:
See the boxes below for databases that will help you find popular articles.
Find at least one popular article about your topic. It can be from a newspaper or magazine, or from the open web. Make sure it looks reliable.
See the resources below. Some tips about using them:
1. Academic Search Ultimate contains both popular and scholarly articles. To find just popular articles, do the following.
2, Note: if the popular article reports recent scholarly research and mentions where the research was published. For example, you might see a phrase in the popular article that says “Researchers at XYZ University reported an exciting new discovery last week in the journal ‘Nature.’”
Indexes, abstracts and provides selective full-text for a broad spectrum of magazines, journals and newspapers.
Upgraded from Academic Search Premier in 2019.
Also, consider using the Advanced Google search engine to hunt around for online news. Make sure they're from a reputable source, though!
Also, see below for popular or semi-popular sources....
Other places to check; make sure to limit your searches to the last few years.You can look these up by doing a journals search in ASA, Lehigh's online catalog on the library homeppage, or on google (with VPN on if you are off-campus).