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ENGL 005: Composition and Literature II for Multilingual Learners

Why articles?

Articles are shorter works, usually between 1 and 35 pages, that are about a specific topic.  Use articles to: 

  • support your argument in a research paper
  • learn who is doing research in your area
  • stay up-to-date with the most current research

You will use library databases to find journal articles.  Most professors will ask that you use scholarly articles. You search for articles in Databases.  

Databases for Finding Articles

The selective list of  Library Databases  below are effective tools for locating  scholarly articles, magazine and trade magazine articles.

While the Databases listed below provide good coverage of many topics, if your research involves other areas, perhaps Religion, Education, Art  or any number of related fields, you will find the extensive list of all Lehigh Databases at our Database A to Z page