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BIOS 297/397 Epigenetics, Health, and the Environment, Spring 2019: Review Articles

Review Articles

Review articles give a bird's eye view of a field or niche within a field. They can contain valuable bibliography. The titles of these articles often have a slightly higher level or "generic" quality than the titles of  articles reporting very specific research findings.

Some databases, e.g. Web of Science and Medline (via PubMed), give you the ability to limit your search results to review literature.

To use Web of Science for this purpose, first do a "topic" search. When the search results come up, look for the category "Document Types" on the left. Look for "review" in the list of document types. Refine your research by restricting to those.You might have to click "more options/values..." to see if any review articles come up.

On PubMed, you can restrict to review articles.

Also, see the link for Annual Reviews below, which you can cross-search for a wide variety of subjects covered in the many journals that comprise Annual Reviews. Make sure to find a recent review article by sorting the search results so that most recent articles appear first.

Annual Reviews

Another database:  Annual Reviews is a set of journals that contain review articles. Make sure, after doing a search, to rank the results in descending order by date so that you avoid older review articles.