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Lehigh University Libraries - Library Guides

M. E. in Structural Engineering: Using Documents

Overview of library and other information sources in support of the M. E. in Structural Engineering


RefWorks is a web-based program that helps you gather, organize, store, and generate citations and bibliographies.

Currently, there are two active versions of RefWorks: Legacy RefWorks and New RefWorks. See the "RefWorks - Versions" page below for login links, LibraryGuides, and support options for both versions of RefWorks.

Style Guides

Different fields use different writing styles. The discursive scholarly analysis of a Shakespeare play does not work for a laboratory report. For an overview of styles and citation systems see:

Proper Usage

It's easy to say "always cite the source for facts, theories, or opinions not your own" but hard to do it. The following links should help.